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What is “Ally”?

There is still much pain, confusion, fear, and anger around racial and transgender identity; it is no wonder that families struggle with what to tell their children. We must acknowledge that we have all been shaped by a system built on inequality and racism—one that consistently bombards us with stereotypical images of certain cultures and excludes voices from different backgrounds. Racism isn’t just Black people’s problem; it’s everyone’s problem because it erodes the fabric of society. At its core, racism is a powerful system that creates false hierarchies of human value; its warped logic extends beyond race, from the way we regard people of different ethnicities or skin colors to the way we treat people of different sexes, gender identities, and body types. When community building, the power to share our own stories and hear the stories of others is foundational and uplifts us all. Breaking the barriers , Coming together as one. We developed a website called “Ally” that will bring a global impact on people’s lives by bridging the gap that causes people to experience inequality on a daily scale. Ally is a common platform to chat, connect and be educated about inequality that can impact millions of lives.

Our congenial IBM Watson Assistant Chatbot “Ally Unity” gives an extensive tour of the Ally website.

What is Ally Pride Fashion?

Ally Pride Fashion is a novel idea, an open platform to provide a one-stop solution for jobs and internships, making the LGBT community grow larger and stronger in the Fashion industry, by making their own portfolio cards visible to Fashion Industry Hiring managers and companies.🌈 “Ally Pride Fashion” is a novel and innovative approach that gives the LGBT an open platform to connect with professionals and companies, to progress in their careers and leave a mark on the Fashion Industry.

Future impact:

As the LGBTQ is blooming in fashion industry our pride fashion can be a common platform for fashion industry people to communicate, find new job opportunities, share information, etc. Fashion plays a very large role in today’s era and there’s no specific platform for the industry. Hence Pride fashion can be the future linkedin.

What is Ally Discourse?

The process of sharing stories strengthens our ability to consider different perspectives and builds our empathy towards others. A community cannot exist unless the people coming together care about and feel connected to each other. Conversations about one’s race and gender may be uncomfortable, yet it is at the edge of discomfort where we can learn the most. Since we cannot remove the risk from such conversations, we encourage a shift in mindset. By moving from safe spaces to our forum Ally Discourse, we can rise to the challenge of having honest conversations that lead to a more equitable society. Ally Discourse provides a platform to openly share your stories when injustice was done to or around you and help prevent it any further! 👫👩🏻‍🤝‍👩🏻

What is Ally Social?

Ally Social is designed to provide content and resources by bringing to you stories podcast and articles from the NASA Resources, that strengthen the ability to consider different perspectives and builds empathy towards others. A community cannot exist unless the people coming together care about and feel connected to each other. This nuance reminds us that we can have things in common and be in the same space, but still feel isolated from and even afraid of each other. By considering each other’s lives and experiences, and perspectives, we allow a community to be not only about what we have in common but what makes us different.

What is Ally Bias Assessment?

Reflecting on whose viewpoints are given power—in all subjects, including math and science—is an essential way to start breaking down biases, microaggresions and harmful perceptions. Ally Bias Assessment commits to lifelong learning about one’s biases and trying to empathize rather than sympathise or ridicule the wronged, without relying on Black and brown people or the trans-gender to educate about what happened in order to justify their hurt and outrage or counter “colorblind” rhetoric. For instance, when learning about police brutality against unarmed Black people, the correct reaction is demonstrating compassion and empathy, instead of searching for evidence about what the victim did to deserve abuse or judging those who engaged in looting instead of discussing the unjust act that drove people to the streets.

What are future aspects and impact of fashion pride?

  1. More secure and meticulous screening for a company email address and verification.

  2. Implementing of creating a blog by the individual and company user type

  3. Filtering of cards on the basis of skill tags and creating skill tags.

  4. Automatic Forum/Ally discourse moderation.